Au départ, j’étais un peu réticent à programmer des petits-déjeuners de travail.
Au départ, j'étais un peu réticent à programmer des petits-déjeuners de travail.
At first, I was a little reluctant to program working breafasts.
acrylique et huile sur toile
acrylic and oil on canvas
120 x 120 cm
Textes pour approfondir
J’ai fait un Skype avec mon psy
(English below)
Mon psychanalyste est un homme très fin, patient, indulgent et doux. De plus, il est extraordinairement cultivé. Il connaît les rites de toutes les ethnies africaines, amazoniennes et océaniennes, sans oublier les diverses écoles psychanalytiques autrichiennes. J’aime bien parler avec lui. Je n’attends de nos rencontres aucun effet thérapeutique particulier, simplement le plaisir de la conversation, et c’est immense. Je suis quand même parfois un peu culpabilisé par le fait de lui infliger, au fil de nos séances, toutes mes salades. J’ai surtout peur qu’à force il ne me croie plus, qu’il pense que j’en rajoute. En un sens, ce n’est pas forcément une mauvaise chose, quand on a une vie très ordinaire comme la mienne, d’en rajouter un peu. Cependant, je ne voudrais pas qu’à la longue il en vienne à croire que je suis zinzin. Je tiens à être considéré comme sain d’esprit. Je veux qu’on croie que les histoires que je raconte sont toutes des histoires vraies. C’est toujours mieux, les histoires vraies. C’est pour cela qu’au fil de mes journées je lui envoie des photos ou des vidéos de ce qui m’arrive. Parfois même, je l’appelle via Skype. C’est une façon de lui dire : « Voilà en quoi consiste ma vraie vie ! Voilà un avant-goût de ce que je vais vous raconter lors de la prochaine séance ! Ce sont toutes des histoires vraies ! »
I Skyped my psychoanalyst
My psychoanalyst is a very sharp, patient, indulgent and gentle man. He is also extraordinarily cultivated. He knows the rites of all African, Amazonian and Oceanian ethnic groups, without forgetting the various Austrian psychoanalysis schools. I enjoy talking to him. I do not expect any particular therapeutic effect to result from our meetings, but just the pleasure of conversation—which is immense. I sometimes feel a bit guilty about inflicting all my nonsense on him from one session to the next. Above all I’m afraid that in the end he won’t believe me, that he thinks that I’m exaggerating. In one way, when your life is very ordinary, like mine, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing to exaggerate a little. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t want him to finally believe that I am cracked. I want to be considered as having a sound mind. I want it to be believed that the stories I tell are all real stories. Real stories are always better. This is why during the day I send him photos or videos of what is happening to me. And sometimes I even call him on Skype. It’s a way of saying to him ‘This what my real life consists of! Here’s a foretaste of what I’m going to tell you at the next session! They are all ‘real stories’!
I Skyped my psychoanalyst
My psychoanalyst is a very sharp, patient, indulgent and gentle man. He is also extraordinarily cultivated. He knows the rites of all African, Amazonian and Oceanian ethnic groups, without forgetting the various Austrian psychoanalysis schools. I enjoy talking to him. I do not expect any particular therapeutic effect to result from our meetings, but just the pleasure of conversation—which is immense. I sometimes feel a bit guilty about inflicting all my nonsense on him from one session to the next. Above all I’m afraid that in the end he won’t believe me, that he thinks that I’m exaggerating. In one way, when your life is very ordinary, like mine, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing to exaggerate a little. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t want him to finally believe that I am cracked. I want to be considered as having a sound mind. I want it to be believed that the stories I tell are all real stories. Real stories are always better. This is why during the day I send him photos or videos of what is happening to me. And sometimes I even call him on Skype. It’s a way of saying to him ‘This what my real life consists of! Here’s a foretaste of what I’m going to tell you at the next session! They are all ‘real stories’!