Nous avons été accueillis dans le centre d’art par une médiatrice culturelle super sympa.
Nous avons été accueillis dans le centre d'art par une médiatrice culturelle super sympa.
We were greeted in the art center by a super nice cultural mediator.
acrylique, huile et matériaux
acrylic, oil and materials
50 x 150 cm
Textes pour approfondir
Avant de partir en vacances
(English below) Je garde un bon souvenir des mathématiques. C’est en cela, principalement, qu’ont consisté mes études, comme autrefois le latin pour les prêtres. Évidemment, j’ai presque tout oublié, mais je considère que c’est dommage. Une belle notion me reste cependant présente à l’esprit. On peut dire qu’elle m’a marqué. C’est celle de point de rebroussement. Imaginons, par exemple, la trajectoire d’un petit caillou coincé dans la rainure d’un pneu. La voiture roule, mettons, à 100 km/h. Le caillou est en haut de la roue, il passe au-dessus de l’essieu à 200 km/h. Puis il plonge vers la chaussée. Au moment où il approche du macadam, il ralentit. Il se pose perpendiculairement, à vitesse nulle. Incroyable ! Atterrissage parfait ! Kiss landing ! C’est à peine si on entend un petit clic. Cette immobilité au sein du mouvement a vraiment quelque chose de mystique. Puis le caillou rebrousse chemin verticalement, reprend de la vitesse, double encore l’essieu par-dessus, décrit une arche et plonge à nouveau vers un autre point de rebroussement un peu plus loin, et ainsi de suite. On devrait dire la mathématique, je le signale au passage, et non les mathématiques, pour mettre l’accent sur l’étrange beauté qui unit toutes les métaphores qu’elle recèle.
Ce qu’il y a d’intéressant dans ma vie, je veux dire sur le plan mathématique, c’est peut-être la façon dont le temps s’écoule irrégulièrement et, notamment, qu’il s’y trouve des sortes de points de rebroussement. Ce sont les situations de départ en vacances qui constituent à mes yeux les meilleurs exemples de singularités significatives. En effet, dans les jours qui précèdent, tout s’accélère : il faut régler les papiers en instance, acheter des guides, effectuer des réservations, vider le frigo, arroser les plantes, faire les bagages, nettoyer l’appartement, déposer le chat, couper l’eau, ne rien oublier… Au moment où tout est prêt, où les bagages sont sur le palier, où je mets la clé dans la serrure pour fermer l’appartement, je ressens quelque chose de bizarre. Une sorte d’arrêt au sein du mouvement. J’ai le sentiment d’être cette minuscule pierre dans la rainure du pneu. Je viens de m’immobiliser, avant de repartir furieusement pour une autre séquence. C’est ma principale expérience de l’éternité.
Before going on holiday
I have pleasant memories of maths. This was mainly what my studies consisted of, like Latin used to be for priests. I have obviously forgotten almost everything but consider that this is a pity. But I still have a fine notion. One that marked me. It is the cusp. For example, imagine the trajectory of a small piece of gravel stuck in the tread of a tyre. The car is going at 100 km per hour for example. The stone is at the top of the wheel and passes above the axle at 200 km/h. Then it descends towards the road. it slows when it approaches the tarmac. It lands perpendicularly at zero speed. Incredible! A perfect landing! A kiss landing! You can only just hear a tiny click. This immobility in the heart of movement truly possesses something. Then the stone goes back up, increases in velocity, goes round the axle above, makes an arch- shaped movement and then dives again to another cusp a little further on and so on and so forth. In passing, I think that mathematics should be a female noun to emphasise the strange beauty that unites all its metaphors. What is interesting in my life—from the mathematical angle I mean—is perhaps the way in which time flows irregularly and in particular that there are kinds of cusp. For me, situations of departure on holiday are the best examples of singular features. Indeed, everything speeds up during the preceding days: you have to settle papers that are needed, buy guide books, make reservations, empty the fridge, water the plants, pack your luggage, take the cat to the cat-sitter, turn the water off and not forget anything… When everything is ready, when the luggage is outside the door, when I put the key in the lock to close the flat, I have a strange feeling. A kind of halt in the movement. I feel like the piece of gravel in the tyre. I have just stopped totally before leaving furiously for another sequence. This is my main experience of eternity.
Before going on holiday
I have pleasant memories of maths. This was mainly what my studies consisted of, like Latin used to be for priests. I have obviously forgotten almost everything but consider that this is a pity. But I still have a fine notion. One that marked me. It is the cusp. For example, imagine the trajectory of a small piece of gravel stuck in the tread of a tyre. The car is going at 100 km per hour for example. The stone is at the top of the wheel and passes above the axle at 200 km/h. Then it descends towards the road. it slows when it approaches the tarmac. It lands perpendicularly at zero speed. Incredible! A perfect landing! A kiss landing! You can only just hear a tiny click. This immobility in the heart of movement truly possesses something. Then the stone goes back up, increases in velocity, goes round the axle above, makes an arch- shaped movement and then dives again to another cusp a little further on and so on and so forth. In passing, I think that mathematics should be a female noun to emphasise the strange beauty that unites all its metaphors. What is interesting in my life—from the mathematical angle I mean—is perhaps the way in which time flows irregularly and in particular that there are kinds of cusp. For me, situations of departure on holiday are the best examples of singular features. Indeed, everything speeds up during the preceding days: you have to settle papers that are needed, buy guide books, make reservations, empty the fridge, water the plants, pack your luggage, take the cat to the cat-sitter, turn the water off and not forget anything… When everything is ready, when the luggage is outside the door, when I put the key in the lock to close the flat, I have a strange feeling. A kind of halt in the movement. I feel like the piece of gravel in the tyre. I have just stopped totally before leaving furiously for another sequence. This is my main experience of eternity.